Live a balanced life. Learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work everyday some. Take a nap every afternoon. When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together. Be aware of wonder.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 2

Hello Friends and Families:

Welcome Back. I hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing spring break. Judging by the weather today, I think spring has finally arrived. We have been so busy in our room in the days prior to spring break.

We enjoyed learning about 3D shapes. All students were able to name each of the four shapes kindergarteners should know. Here are the items from our class' shape museum (Remember that all pictures can be made larger by clicking on them individually):

We have also been hard at work understanding why words can rhyme and how we can make our own silly rhymes. We really enjoyed reading Doctor Seuss books, and MRS. MC NOSH books to spark our rhyming creativity (I apologize for the sideways pictures).

We have also been reviewing our PYP Profile words in a journal that we can give to our first grade teachers in the fall. We have reviewed and reflected on how we are balanced (remembering to take care of our minds and bodies) and how we are caring.

We are working hard on our math journals, and trying to recognize and read words we know.

Our new door display reflects our understanding of how to make rhyming words. We read Dr Seuss' WOCKET IN MY POCKET and came up with imaginary creatures like "sockets, jockets, and gockets" to put inside our own pockets:
To celebrate Science Night at Lincoln Center we invited two volunteers from 3M into our room to help us learn about DNA. We were able to separate the DNA from pea shoots in small vials by stirring a solution gently with small sticks.

I am excited to see the students on Monday. I can't wait to hear about the many adventures they had during the last week. Can you believe that these kids are almost first graders?? WOW!