Live a balanced life. Learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work everyday some. Take a nap every afternoon. When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together. Be aware of wonder.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22

Hi Families:
I am sorry that my Monday note did not come home yesterday. Can you tell Spring Break is near? Here is what we will be working on this week:
· Printing the letter x
· Finding syllables in words
· Sound spelling words
· Rhyming words
· Roll and Record sight word game
· -ing endings (a great thing to practice at home)
· Journal writing
· IB Profile word reflection about how to be a good communicator
· Labeling locations on a map from the postcards we have received so far
· Vocab words: country, continent, equator, ocean
· Math journals
· Exchanging pennies for nickels
· Dividing groups in half
· Making patterns with movement
This week for show and tell the kids may bring in a free choice item. It must fit into their bag or backpack. Items from the 3-D shape museum will be returned today.
Upcoming Reminders:
· March 24: Lincoln Center Science Night (Gym1 and2)—6-8p.m.
· March 24: Buy One Get One Free Scholastic Book Fair (Media Center)-- 3:30-7:30 p.m.
· March 28-April 1: No school—Spring Break
· April 4: March reading calendars due (If you return 6 out of 8 calendars your student may attend the end of the year ice cream party). April reading calendars will be sent home on Wednesday.
· April 7: Second Grade concert—1:15 p.m.
I hope you enjoy a wonderful spring break with your student. Hopefully the weather is warm and you have plenty of time to play outside, and relax. Remember to keep reading each day.

1 comment:

  1. You are busy busy it looks like - as always! Keep up the great work! You continue to impress and set the mark for these young students and their future teachers. You do such an amazing job and the students have come so far!!!! Remember it is the journey that you'll remember not the destination.
