Live a balanced life. Learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work everyday some. Take a nap every afternoon. When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together. Be aware of wonder.

Monday, November 15, 2010

November 15

Happy Monday. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend enjoying our big snowfall. The kids were anxious and excited to tell me just how many trips down the sledding hill they made, how many snowballs they threw and how tall they made their snowmen.

Please remember to send appropriate winter clothes with your student to school. It is that time of year when the weather is so unexpected. We want to make sure all of our students stay warm and protected from the snow, cold, wind and sleet. We talked about how to get dressed for winter and taught the students about the winter five. Winter Five sheets will be sent home tomorrow. If you do not own any of the Winter Five, please let me know and we can find some extras for your student at Lincoln Center to borrow during the winter season.

We had a visit from Officer Friendly--a Saint Paul police officer this afternoon. She spoke to us about her job, and showed us a video about stranger danger. The kids were really excited to ask questions about what it's like to work at the police station. Tomorrow we will be visited by a dental hygenist who works in Woodbury.
A packet of information about how to read with your kindergarten student at home will be sent to you in take home folders tomorrow. Reading together is such a special bonding experience for student and parent. Don't forget to fill out November reading calendars. They are due Monday November 29.

Don't forget that Wednesday November 17th is an all school early release day at 1:30. All buses will run their normal routes. Please make sure your student is clear on how to get home.

Ask your student about their symmetry paintings today in math. See if they can tell you that symmetry is another way to say "the same on both sides." I will post pictures tomorrow of their beautiful works of art:-)Enjoy a wonderful evening cozied up at home.

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